Release notes 0.18/ko

FreeCAD 0.18은 2019년 3월 12일 나왔습니다. Download 페이지에서 받으세요. 이것은 가장 흥미로운 변화의 요약입니다. 변화의 완전한 목록은 MantisBT bugtracker FC 0.18 changelog. 옛 FreeCAD 릴리스 노트는 Feature list에 있습니다.


확장된 TechDraw 도구

Model by Laurent14

sketcher 도구, 더 안정적이고 강력한 PartDesign

Model by un1corn

개선되고 확장된 Arch and BIM 도구

Model by regis


Arch Workbench

The Arch workbench at work

Draft Workbench

More precise Draft annotation tools

FEM Workbench

The polished FEM material dialog

In 0.17, tons of new features were added to FEM. Thus, the main focus for FEM in the 0.18 release of FreeCAD was not adding even more new features and tools, but making the existing ones more stable and fixing as many bugs as possible. FEM got 470 commits during FreeCAD 0.18 development cycle [1].

코드 기반 일반 개선



The material handling was improved. It is now possible to use the global FreeCAD material editor. See also material cards. For this the the FEM material task panel was polished.

Part Workbench

PartDesign Workbench

Path Workbench

일반 개선

Job Improvements


후 처리기

Sketcher Workbench

Sketcher View Section demo

Relevant forum links:

Spreadsheet Workbench

Surface Workbench

TechDraw Workbench

The TechDraw Workbench received a number of additions and improvements for v0.18.

재료 다루기

A material card

The material handling has been improved. It is now possible to create material cards for every material. The cards can contain all information, physical properties, architectural specification, web links, comments. etc. The cards are text files with the file suffix .FCMat and can be used for all workbenches of FreeCAD.

FreeCAD provides material cards for standard metals, plastics and different types of steel.

추가 모듈

Some of the new community modules that were actively developed during the 0.18 development cycle.